Concussion Clinic/Rehab

Step Out of The Darkness

NL Balance & Dizziness Centre treats a wide variety of clients who have suffered a concussion. Whether due to a fall, motor vehicle accident, or sport-related injury, our concussion clinic team will get you back to work, sport, and the activities you enjoy. Your program will be designed to restore balance, relieve nausea, and decrease your sensitivity to motion, light, and noise.

Our concussion clinic provides assessment for those who have experienced a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury. The Concussion Clinic consists of a team of licensed health care professionals including a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist, a psychologist, counsellor, and a neurologist who will help you manage your symptoms and facilitate your recovery.

Concussion Clinic Referral Form

Concussion Information Sheet For Parents and Athletes

Additional Information for Patients and Families

Signs & Symptoms

  • Symptoms typically fall into a combination of these 4 categories



Concussion is a treatable injury!

What is a Concussion?

  • “A Traumatic Brain Injury induced by biomechanical forces caused by a direct blow to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere on the body with an impulsive force transmitted to the head.” (McCrory et al, 2017)

  • “A concussion is a brain injury that cannot be seen on routine x-rays, CT scans, or MRIs.” (Parachute Canada)